I am Kartriece

 …One who helps visionaries birth and develop their ideas through strategy.

Sooo…..a little about me

There is no secret about my passion for serving others. It shows up in multiple facets of my life. With 10+ years of experience in assisting visionaries birth and develop their ideas and visions I am grateful to God for giving me the grace to do so. 

I love traveling, being creative through visual arts and spending precious time with my family….and let’s not forget my guilty pleasure, Kilwin’s Ice Cream. 🙂


Years of Experience

of Completed Projects

Countries Visted

Scoops of Icecream

“Just DO IT! Evaluate, Adjust, TRY AGAIN”

other INterest

As the multifaceted person I am, it’s only right that I share a few of my other interest.

An agency, Visions Promotional Agency, was birthed from the things I was doing anyway to help other people with the execution of their visions and ideas.  With the assistance of my team we are able to help people with branding services including but not limited to videography, signage and graphic design.  Want to know more?

  • Videography
  • Serving/ Mission Work 
  • Branding

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